Auditor General Ms. HU Zejun attends the 70th meeting of INTOSAI Governing Board
Updated: 2017-11-17    Soure:National Cooperation Department

From 6 to 7 November 2017, Ms. HU Zejun, Auditor General of CNAO, participated in the 70th meeting of INTOSAI Governing Board in Graz, Austria.

The Governing Board listened to various reports and took decisions on key INTOSAI governance matters. Among them, the GB adopted the main themes for INCOSAI XXIII in Moscow to be held in the fourth week of September 2019. It was also decided that SAI China shall lead the Theme I: "Information technologies for the development of public administration" as theme chair, and that Theme II: "The role of the Supreme Audit Institutions in the achievement of the national priorities and goals" shall be under the chairmanship of SAI  Russia.

Also, the participants discussed in two breakaway sessions the contribution of SAIs to the monitoring of the implementation of the SDGs as well as the development of the INTOSAI standard setting process.

A total of 90 plus delegates including over 20 heads of SAIs attended the GB meeting in Graz, Austria.